Last chance to give back

The Passports with Purpose fundraiser has only ten days to go and $475 to raise! So, I just wanted to remind everyone that a $10 raffle ticket towards one of the great prizes contributes to a variety of amazing charity projects by Heifer International.

If you’re still unsure what you’re giving your money for, maybe it’ll be inspiring to know about some of the Heifer projects around the world. Here’s just a sampling.

The sustainable production of llamas and alpacas in the Altiplano of Bolivia provides 333 families from eight communities living in this harsh Andean plateau. In rural Tanzania, over 2000 fishponds in 80 villages are being constructed or renovated to promote fish farming. In remote Sumatra, where large plantations and illegal logging are threatening the traditional way of life, 350 indigenous families are getting poultry, fish, and vegetable seeds and learning how to raise livestock and plant organic gardens. Closer to home, in northeastern Louisiana’s poverty-stricken Delta, 22 small-farm families are provided with livestock, seeds and fruit trees and taught how to start a sustainable agribusiness.

Hopefully you’re more motivated now to give $10 and help a fellow human being for whom it’s literally a small fortune. Thanks in advance for your support!

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