Lonely Planet competition

I’m currently traveling in Angola (and on to South Africa) so my posts may be short and sporadic till I return to New York in late February. Here’s a photo I took here in Luanda the other day as well as something I found worth blogging about: In celebration of its 100 millionth guidebook, Lonely Planet is running an online travel photo competition. Upload your favorite travel photos to their interactive mosaic of the earth and you’ll be entered to win some fabulous prizes, including a round-the-world trip and one of 200 Nokia phones.

This is what Lonely Planet says: “We’re looking for photos (with a story/caption) that epitomize the adventurous spirit of Lonely Planet. Originality, creativity and capturing a moment are more important than whether the photo is ‘professional’.” More info at www.lonelyplanet.com/win/. Definitely worth giving it a shot. Good luck!

Blog Comments

Thanks for great tip:)

Sounds like a terrific contest. Thanks for sharing this.

Hope you're enjoying your trip!

Beautiful picture, should be a winner!

Beautiful picture, should be a winner!

Yeah, sounds like a terrific contest. It's gonna be really competetive, though, with so many talented photographers out there! Including you!

that sounds like such a neat competition, I might just enter it myself! I really like your photograph though and it could deffently be a winner.

I wasn't even thinking of entering the photo for the contest but thanks, lovely people, for such nice feedback!

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