My news since yesterday – on the way to an Angolan restaurant in Lisbon’s Alcântara neighborhood, I fell down the slippery stairs in my apartment building, sliding on my ass from one floor all the way down to another. Not wanting to give in to the intense physical pain, I still made it to lunch at A Moamba (Rua Fradesso da Silveira 75). It was delicious – I tried the moamba de galinha, a tasty chicken stew made with palm oil and okra and served with sides of refried beans, funge de bombó (cassava purée) and funge de milho (corn purée). As far as I’m concerned, the portion for two could have fed five people and filled them for two days straight.
Since I came back from that lunch, about 30 hours ago, I’ve been at home nursing my ass with ice packs and various creams. It’s getting better so I may actually venture down those stairs again tonight for some dinner and drinks in the external world.