Last Sunday evening at an open-air milonga in Lisbon, two impromptu solo performances made the event even more entertaining. Video shot by Hoji Fortuna.
Last Sunday evening at an open-air milonga in Lisbon, two impromptu solo performances made the event even more entertaining. Video shot by Hoji Fortuna.
I love stumbling upon events/performances like these when traveling. They are so unexpected, and it makes it so much more fun to capture some photos, participate yourself, or just sit back and relax with some friends at a cafe (watching nearby). Lisbon really seems like a lively, dynamic, and charming city. I just started learning Portuguese, and I’d love to be able to travel there and spend some time immersed in the language and culture of such an amazing city!
Yes, true, stumbling upon things is one of the highlights of any trip! As for Lisbon… Charming it is but I wouldn’t necessarily call it lively and dynamic, must say. It has a certain melancholy and at times feels very slow to me, almost like a big village. But that’s a New Yorker in me speaking. 🙂 Enjoy learning Portuguese, Jeff! It’s a beautiful language.