Tupiza: Bolivia’s Wild West

Yesterday morning, I left a small town called Tupiza, perched at 2950 metres. One of Bolivia’s most overlooked destinations, it is a lovely little spot surrounded by dazzling countryside of towering red rocks, hidden canyons, and fertile green valleys. Mostly known as the stomping ground of the infamous train robbers, Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy, Tupiza’s surroundings are a perfect place to get lost Wild West-style.

The highlight of my stay was a hike into the labyrinth of Canyon del Duende (Genie’s Canyon). Trekking along the stones and through the mud and getting deeper and deeper into the labyrinth felt like entering another world. The sky-high red stone all around, a strange silence, midday sun beating down… At one point, the rocks got too large and slippery to climb. As I turned to go back, I wondered what lay ahead in this mysterious land form so beautifully carved by nature and so well-hidden from humans.

Blog Comments

Anja – I’d love to be in Bolivia right now. Soak it all up for all of us in the states who are jealous of your travels!

I’m looking forward to read a new inspiring blog post!

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